Architecture - Page 5

Despite the significant economic slowdown that has swept across Europe since 2023, we maintained our optimistic outlook this year. As we get ready to bring in a new year, the mood is upbeat: a new project in the homeland of Vasco de Gama, the land of Fado! In other words, VILLAS is conquering Portugal, with issue no. 1 due out in early April…

This gives us yet another chance to reinvent ourselves and to revel in the discoveries this country, with its thriving architectural and cultural scene, has in store for us.

We are looking forward to 2025, convinced that with our passion, professionalism and sense of purpose, our team and I can continue to open your eyes and heart.

After all, enthusiasm has a way of spreading happiness and joy…

Jardins et meubles chics du paysagiste italien Luciano Giubbilei

De l’Angleterre à sa Sienne natale, de la Toscane aux îles Baléares, l’art du jardin par Luciano Giubbilei sublime l’extérieur des maisons et des résidences particulières du monde entier. Autodidacte qui s’est imposé en tant que l’un des grands professionnels du paysagisme, ce fleuriste de métier est devenu incontournable dès lors qu’il a créé sa […]